Posts Tagged ‘man’

Palestinian Self-Determination?

Irelands Stance!

There is no mention of the Philistines remaining in the Holy lands in relation to owning what belongs to the Jewish people and the restored Israel in connection with the ‘End Time events!

Ireland has taken the anti-God road and even when they had their focus as a young state, they too shared in the anti-Semitism of their own former occupiers!

If we claim to have faith in Jesus, we must heed to the word of God and see His plans in the Middle-East not take on ungodly ideas of human conceptions of what is right and wrong, because we will be drawn away from the truth and into other religions and concepts that are based on feelings and not faith!

Ezekiel 25:15-17, Zechariah 9:5-7, John 3:3, 14-17, Romans 3:21-31, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4.

God with Us! Part-Two.

Prophecy fulfilled and the work of the Holy Spirit!

The birth of Jesus is the focus of what Christmas is really all about, how God became man in human flesh and how by the work of the Holy Spirit Mari remained a virgin to her husband Joseph!

It is a miracle like the many that we find in the Bible, but people today reject everything that is not rational to their understanding? They cannot believe God, making all sorts of excuses about Him in relation to suffering, starvation, natural disaster not being prevented?

But in this story of the events around Jesus we see the prophetic being fulfilled, the same is also in the work of our repentance and salvation! Being turned from being cold and callous to God to being open and understanding that we have a loving father in God almighty!

Isaiah 9:6-7,   Matthew 1:22-23,   Luke 1:1-45,   Hebrews 2:14-15,   Revelation 22:16. 

I Patrick a Sinner! One.

Many claims on Him?

We now know that there were several Patricks sent to Ireland to convert the pagans to Christianity, but this Patrick was different in that he did come on a mission but rather as he says a slave!

Today the many traditions each place their own claim on him in relation to nationality, but it was Patrick who said later in life, ‘We Irish!

Patrick was a British-Romano Christian and his times have nothing to do with the Britain that has been existence this last thousand years! His family perhaps felt no need to return to Italy and stayed on working their lands, but Celtic pirate raids started to become more and more widespread and eventually Patrick was captured!

He tells from his writings that he was a rebel and most youth are to their parents? But he had some faith and this came to play in his mind and heart, when faced with the west and cold conditions he was expected to work in!

His whole life from these two sets of writings reveal and ordinary man, struggling to cope with the conditions around him like so many of us today!

2 Corinthians 4:1-5,  5:1-2,  1 John 4:10-11,  19.

‘Happy New Year 2018.

Peace and Joy!

This is the traditional message of Christmas, that today seems lost in the rush of buying for everyone, but many of our cards even secular ones will still have a greeting similar to this?

Real peace and joy comes only when we know the Lord Jesus as our personal Saviour, other wise it is nothing more than feelings that are very much fleeting?

Christmas and Easter are about Jesus birth and death, he cam as the babe human the Saviour of the world and the King of Israel and He died for the sins of His people Israel and also for the Gentiles to make reconciliation between two races and between fallen humanity and God!

Genesis 28:21,  Psalm 16:4,  37:37,  Matthew 28:21,  John 14:27,  Romans 15:13,  Hebrews 12:2.

Donald J Trump.

‘All change in America?

It is not long now until we will be seeing great changes in the United States of America, if spiteful Obama does not start a war with Russia? Trump is different from any previous leader of America, because he plans to make some serious and dramatic changes in support of Israel and the breaking ties with NATO and bucket politics?

The media have played the old game of digging up the past to shame him now and one has to wonder the way the Democrats are going are they trying to stop him from getting into government?

The bible tells us that the time of the Lords return is near and that a man of intrigue will arise! He will be smart and slippery and will appear to some as one thing, but later turn into a world tyrant and reveal his real identity?

2 Thessalonians 2:1-13,   Romans 16:18,   Psalm 81:11-12,   1 Timothy 4:1-3.

LOVE. Part-One.

Loving Others.

It is so easy to say, ‘I love you, yet it is very hard to put love into practise. The world has ‘Luu’ve and most of it is connected with sexual lust and flimsy comments, sometimes it is linked with humanitarian issues but generally it has little meaning or effect.

Jesus asked the rich young man to do some things, which would help him to enter the kingdom. He had done the first two, but now he had to put into practice Love and that would cost him.

Mark 12:30-34,   Exodus 20:2-3,   17,    Leviticus 19:13.

Wealth. Part-One.


Many people today are rich and so are many Christians, but it is we who need to be responsible with how we use our wealth. Many Christians are into the prosperity gospel and with it believe they can bi-pass the poor and the weak around them.

Many people want to enjoy life and have it in this world, but they perhaps should read the bible in relation to the many accounts that Jesus told us about those kinds of people!

Job 22:6-9,  Luke 12:17-21,  16:19-31.

EASTER. Part-One.

Jesus said….

He will go up to Jerusalem and be delivered to evil men, but on the third day He would arise. These passages confirm that the Lord told His Disciples He was going to the Cross and that He would rise from the dead.

Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19, 27:64. Luke 9:22, 13:32, 18:33, 24:7, 21.

The agony of the garden has more to do with the human nature of Jesus as He surrendered to the will of His Father. We must maintain that Jesus was the Perfect-God man and that He was a perfect Jewish man.

Matthew 26:36-50,  Mark 14:32042,  Luke 22:39-49,  John 18:1-2.

‘Nailed for Us. Part-One.

He was Bruised for Us.

Easter is less than three weeks away, many people will celebrate with chocolate eggs, bunnys and cards and have no inkling of what it is all about?

Jesus had to die in this way for us on the stake/tree/cross, it was the only way that we could be set free from our Sins.

Many Christians have sadly rejected the movie, ‘The Passion, but Jesus was beaten severly by the Roman soldiers, perhaps much more than any other man. We cannot deny what the bible tells us about these events.

Isaiah 53:5,  John 19:2-3, 5.

Love. Part-One.


There are many kinds of love in the world, but here we want to deal with the Love that God wants for us and for us to have for each other. God sets the rules about love, He sets the rules about marriage and divorce.

Many people today love each other man to man and woman to woman and they have committed their love for each other in Church ceremonies. The world and some mislead ‘Christians recognize this. But God does not, because it is abhorrent for Him to see this form of sexual act committed. If we confess to be believers in the bible and the death and resurrection of Jesus, then we are born-again of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

We know that we have to live the way that God wants us to, not what we want. Some claim that God is allowing certain things in this realm, if so then the thief and swindler can remain as they are and still have faith in Jesus. This is not so, this is lies and deception, perpetrated by evil.

Leviticus 18:22,  19:5,  20:13,  Judges 19:22,  Matthew 11:23-24,  Romans 1:26-27,  Jude 1:7.