Archive for the ‘Mental Illness.’ Category

Terror at the Door?

Dublin Speaks!

Muslim terror has come to the streets of Ireland in the attempted murder of three children and a school teacher yesterday and over night the people of Dublin spoke up, not wanting this in their country?

We know that criminals took advantage of the situation based on false media, but this problem is not going to go away as the European Union is forcing Ireland to take more refugees!

How to get a balance in this is a challenge and people need to pressure their respective political representatives to do more in light of the Palestinian question and the dominance of Islam trying to enforce itself in Ireland.

Deuteronomy 28:20, Ezra 4:5, Nehemiah 4:15, Proverbs 14:17, 29, Romans 10:15, 2 Timothy 4:2.

Immigration Issues!

Ireland has been too kind only now to be Abused?

Recently talking to friends one was shocked to see some of the stuff on You Tube in relation to the insults and abuse that people are having to put up with in relation to migrants and their jeering of the kindness of Ireland!

Tempers are fraying and in time we may, if not already a backlash that will be seen as racist and Ireland may lose its reputation as it once had?

The problems lay with the European Union more so that the government of the republic of Ireland, since Brussels demands that each nation take their respective share. But many of the people coming to Ireland, actually wanted to go to the U.K. and many have been told stories by British people in some point of their journey that the Irish are easy to manipulate?

God sees the plight of those who could not afford to come, they are the real victims of oppression and abuse, from their own governments and that includes the Ukraine and its ethnic issues that the E.U. is refusing to address!

Job 22:9, Psalm 68:5, Isaiah 9:17, Matthew 7:7-8, John 14:18, James 1:27, Revelation 3:20.

Britain’s Impression?

Undermining the Irish!

Boris Johnson does not like the Irish, he comes from that set in the establishment that are racist, anti-Semitic and want black people back in chains!

But his current actions are only an impression to get out of later developments, he is muddying the water to keep the U.K. in the European Union, which will be left to others to decide on when he is gone?

This government as in many other places is not serious about governing, because they are not able to lead being voted in by nationalist popularism as Sen with Donald Trump and Mr. Bolsanaro in Brazil!

Lamentations 2:14, Ezekiel 13:9, 22:28, Luke 6:26, 1 Peter 2:1.

Divided Africa!

Satanic powers at Work?

Many nations are in their respective dire situations are returning to their tribal identities over that of their nationhood and so the bloodshed continues!

The cut in International aid is not helping some who really need it and bad western managements has lead to much corruption, but this is because white society just throws the money and fails to account for it?

Satan is busy in this continent to cause more problems and take the people backwards rather than progressing forward to better times!

The Ekklesia despite all this negativity continues to grow and what was in decline one-hundred years ago is now booming with many saved and many new things being done for the glory of God!

Matthew 5:44, Luke 1:71, 74, Romans 5:10, 11:28, Philippians 3:18, Revelation 11:12.

The sleeping Killer!

Much writing to be done in relation to this 21stCentury Plague?

One cannot understand why the world is not taking this pandemic more seriously and are already caught up in the ideas of conspiracy rather than a common fact?

This Coronavirus is not going away as some leaders want to claim and are failing to take any serious responsibility, still thinking its only the flu or as one keeps saying Kung Flu from China, China, China!

While others are rushing back to save the world economy, millions are being spent on visiting Mars, rather than admitting the source of this plague?

1 Kings 18:21, 2 Kings 17:41, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 6:22-24, James 1:8, 4:8, 2 Peter 2:14, 3:16.

Economic collapse & oil Glut?

The world is in a bad way!

But we should be praising God and giving thanks for these circumstances, which is providing many with staying in, family and loved one? It is of course not easy for everyone, noisy neighbours irritating family, depression and many other issues of small spaces?

But if we claim a faith in Jesus we have been set free to worship, to sing, give thanks, pray and study the Bible along with many other things in relation to sharing our faith perhaps more in actions than in words!

Romans 12:12,  15,  Ephesians 1:6,  12,  14,  Philippians 1:18,  4:4,  Hebrews 2:12,  13:15,   James 5:13,   1 Peter 1:6.


Those in Power!

Governments practice arrogance most of the time they like to make big promises or abuse peoples trust, and use disasters to prop up their re-election campaign or media publicity?

They believe that they can pull it off and they do for a time, but then all that hype and famous stuff about them starts to slip away as people seek that they are the real, ‘Fake News of their own making!

God does not like pride and arrogance, but especially those who profess a faith in Him! These folks will be taken down, if they refuse to humble themselves and to be seen doing it before the world, nation and God?

Psalm 131:1,   Proverbs 13:16,   Isaiah 2:17,   Matthew 23:12,   Luke 14:11,   1 Peter 5:5.

Finding comfort in the Bible. One.

The Psalms.

For centuries now believers have turned to the book of the Psalms in their times of need to find solace and comfort? Many ask where should I look, there are many relevant psalms such as 23 and 91.

But there is also Psalm 119, which in connection with Psalm one could be a devotional in its own right! When life gets rough and people wear us down Psalm 37 can for some be very handy.

When deppresed or under the weather Psalm 40 may also help us? In fact spending the first 31 days reading those respective Psalms gives a good taste of what is to come?

Rumours of Wars. TWO

Strife, Terror.

Evil people are good at using idele hands to do their bidding!

The Middle-East is full of disabled children,and woman being used as huma shields and then thos who try to practice democrasy be accused of war crimes.

Here in Europe we have to deal daily with mentally ill men stabbing and shooting people going about their own business. Police and intelligance either cannot find a link, because of ease of Internet access to videos and hate sermons.

We on the other hand have to keep trusting Jesus through all of this, without worrying!

Matthew 10:26-28,  Mark 12:14,  John 14:27, Romans 8:13, 15, Ephesians 6:4.