Archive for January, 2016

LOVE. Part-One.

Loving Others.

It is so easy to say, ‘I love you, yet it is very hard to put love into practise. The world has ‘Luu’ve and most of it is connected with sexual lust and flimsy comments, sometimes it is linked with humanitarian issues but generally it has little meaning or effect.

Jesus asked the rich young man to do some things, which would help him to enter the kingdom. He had done the first two, but now he had to put into practice Love and that would cost him.

Mark 12:30-34,   Exodus 20:2-3,   17,    Leviticus 19:13.

Holocuast unbelievers. Part-Three.

Black people.

There is sadly as many people today in Europe and N-America who think that black people are not fully human, many of their ideas stem from 19th Century Eugenics. There are various terms used to cover these root factors such as racism and intitutionalism, but the truth is much bare.

Black people have had it hard in white society for the last 600 years, but Jewish people have suffered under black people and other nations for the last 4000 years. The problem is really the sinfulness of the human heart in relation to jealousy and pride and if we say we have faith in God we need to be rid of these ideas.

Exodus 6:6-8,    Judges 12:6,    1 John 1:7-10.

Holocaust Unbelievers. Part-Two.

The Inquisition.

This has been the longest period of anti-Jewish persecution in history, it started in 1321 and ended in 1835. Five hundred and fourteen years of anti-Semitism from Potugal, Spain and Mexico.

Jews were expelled from towns and cities and even sent back from the newly discovered Americas in the name of Jesus. Between  1759 and 67  the Kings of Portugal and Spain had enough of the zealous Jesuits and expelled them by legal decree. Sadly this did not come into force untile 1813-34, thus ending murder and pillage again in the name of Jesus.

When we descide to take the Jewish race and Israel out of the framework of history, we then cancel our own faith and Salvation in the Messaih of israel and the Saviour of the world. The bible is very clear why the Jews are blinded at this time, so that we may recieve their Lord Jesus.

Romans 11:5,  10-12,  16-26,   1 Corinthians 7:23,   2 Corinthians 3:14-17.

Holocaust Unbelievers. Part-One.

The Irish Potatoe Famine 1845-48.

It is estimated that one million people died in Ireland during the years of the potatoe famine, while two million left for either maninland Britain or the the North-America?

The truth of the matter is much worse than what British historians want to tell us and this is ver similar to what historical revisionism is doing with the events of 1938-46 in Nazi-German occupied Europe.

Lies upon lies and it continues today, we here of the murders in Europe by Islamic terrorism 130, 20! But two thousand dead in Africa, 200 in the middle-east, 100 in Afghanistan they are not imposrtant as certain civilised white peoples?

1 Samuel 8:7,  Psalm 10:8-9,  53:3-4,  Micah 3:9,  Ephesians 4:14-15,  1 Thessalonians 4:8.

2016 ‘Another Year.’

‘Happy New Year.’

We all want to see and are expecting somethings to be better this year, better in many ways than the last and this is natural for all of us!

But we also know that despite the many good things that will come our way, there are also many bad because that is how the world and our life cycle works.

It is easy to write these words and to make many written statements, but when one has lived life and faced the everyday sadness in reflection one knows many things.

Perhaps this year will be the one that reflects on ones own standing in relation to all around us and sees the need of Jesus as a friend, helper and the Lord of our New Life in Him?

Matthew 11:28-30,   Luke 11:9-13,  1 Peter 3:8.