Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Don’t mess with Israel!

Ireland had its fingers burned with the Ukraine?

A nation that seeks peace is not a bad place to be, but it has not worked for them in recent times since all they have claimed about neutrality has come to nothing, when they allowed the U.S. access to Shannon airport?

Meanwhile both the Ukraine and Israel are rejecting peace, but they rather seek a military resolve to their respective wars.

Israel has to acts against the Hamas and all Palestinians since the 7th October was the worst day for the nation since the Nazi-German Holocaust and for those living under the Law of God an eye for an eye is acceptable!

We may be under grace but many believers today do not read the Bible so they are ignorant to the history of Israel, but despite their blindness God is with His people Israel as much as He is with us who believe in the death ans resurrection of Jesus.

Numbers 23:10, 2 Samuel 22:43, Matthew 10:14, 1 Corinthians 15:47, Hebrews 9:26, 10:10.

Rust we did withnot Expect?

War with Russia!

Sorry folks one has not been to sell these last few weeks, so we are a bit behind in postings?

No one expected that Ireland would be involved in a NATO lead European war, war that is aligned with racist idealism over that of the Donnas right year genocide by the Ukraine in the Russian minority community?

The great thing that we have is a God who knows our hearts and motives and wants all of us to turn back to Him through Jesus. His one and only son!

Amos 5:4, John 3:3: 16-17, Hebrews 4:12-13.


How quick Dame Dick undermines British black People!

This is nothing new, but it is interesting in how Britain is desperate to undermine the Black Lives Matter movement and equate it with recent riots in West and South London?

The British need to face up to their Imperial Commonwealth base of exploitation and wealth and that they were responsible for U.S. Slavery!

One was taken aback by the Labour leader defending the slave trader Coulsdon and his statue being removed, it will be some time before Labour gets back into power with that establishment attitude?

Genesis 43:18, Ecclesiastes 5:6, Luke 14:18-19, John 15:22, Romans 1:20, 2:1, 15, 1 Peter 2:16.

Suffering Servant! Part-Three.

Gaining the Victory?

When Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, as He said He would He gained the victory over death and for us entry into the New Life!

We have to be born-again to taste Eternity, religious observance, wearing a Christian name tag, doing good works bowing down or praying to saints will not get us to Heaven?

The confession of sins, repentance and faith in the death of Jesus on the cross and His rising from the dead lets us know that God has forgiven our past failures and we know are in Him.

Matthew 17:33,   Luke 18:33,   John 3:3,   31-36,   Acts 4:12,   1 Corinthians 15:57,   1 John 5:4.

‘Happy New Year 2018.

Peace and Joy!

This is the traditional message of Christmas, that today seems lost in the rush of buying for everyone, but many of our cards even secular ones will still have a greeting similar to this?

Real peace and joy comes only when we know the Lord Jesus as our personal Saviour, other wise it is nothing more than feelings that are very much fleeting?

Christmas and Easter are about Jesus birth and death, he cam as the babe human the Saviour of the world and the King of Israel and He died for the sins of His people Israel and also for the Gentiles to make reconciliation between two races and between fallen humanity and God!

Genesis 28:21,  Psalm 16:4,  37:37,  Matthew 28:21,  John 14:27,  Romans 15:13,  Hebrews 12:2.

Workers Rights?

1st May.

Exploitation continues, despite the abolition of black slavery? The end of colonial slavery was replaced by the Industrial revolution and the need for mass cheap labour! Many children were forced down the mines and into the mill machine cleaning, people were forced to live in back to back housing and vile conditions!

The 19th Century say the rise of Socialist idealism and the workers Utopia of rights and farer conditions, sometimes coming at great coast? Capitalism was the driving forces of big business, apart from some Christian efforts to appease their workers, there was little care for the workers and their families?

Today many people are working for little or nothing and this is not right, if we claim to know Jesus then we should show, care, concern and love for the less fortunate?

Genesis 31:7-8,   Luke 10:34,   John 4:36,   Romans 3:23,   6:23.

Resurrection Power.

Rising with Jesus.

it is said that not many ‘Christians today believe that Jesus actually rose from the dead, but if He did not then we cannot claim a faith-trust in Him and thus we have no promise of eternal salvation?

Jesus did rise and was seen by over 500 people, apart from His Disciples over the forty-day period until His Ascension back to Heaven! Baptism allows us the example of Jesus rising from the grave, but child baptism has no power because we are not at that time conscience of our sins?

It is only later on when we develop that we start to see our failures and if we repent and turn to God, believers baptism will be of great value to both us and all who witness our conversion-born again transformation!

John 11:25,  Acts 1:22,  4:37,   Romans 6:5, 1 Corinthians 15:12-13,  1 Peter 1:3.

Cleansing Blood. Two.

Atonement and Redemption!

Jesus blood was spilt for all believers in His death and resurrection, for all who have repented of their failures and sought God? The Mass runs contrary to what the Bible has to say in relation to the spilling of Jesus blood, that it was a one and final event!

The most important thing that one can gather in this life s to know the Lord as our own personal saviour! There are only tow ways after death, heaven or hell and the choices have to be made here and now?

1 John 1:7,   Romans 5:9,   1 Corinthians 11:25,   Ephesians 1:7,   Hebrews 9:22.

Cleansing Blood. One.

Jesus our Passover Lamb.

In Isaiah 53 we are told what the Christ/Messiah would be like and the cost that he would pay for us, so that God could buy as back from the domain of Satan if we repented and believed in Jesus.

Many Christians get confused with John 3:16, because of the false doctrine of Replacement theology! God is now accepting His love to cover the gentiles as well as His people Israel! But when it comes to cleansing for sins, there is no change in His requirement for blood!

Accept now Jesus has made the final atonement for sin and all who trust in Him will receive the promise, hope of Eternal Life.  1 Corinthians 5:7.

Saint Valentines Day.

14th February.

Lots of people are now in a mad rush to get their card in the post and/ or to prepare that special surprise? But what is lacking, is the fact that St Valentine is not one person but several all noted for doing their good deeds and not expecting anything in return. Luke 6:30-36. In fact that is how God wants us to do our good works, in secret and not seen by others. Some do what to be credited. Mathew 6:1-4.

But the day or evening is celebrated as one of romance and marriage, but it has become a tradition and like getting married. Many do it for the show, rather than for the commitment, and that is perhaps why so many fail when the storms come.

Marriage between a man and a woman was ordained by God. Genesis 2:18, 2:23-24. And we are warned that God does not like adultery to defile the marriage bed. Mark 10:6-9, Hebrews 13:4.