Posts Tagged ‘Agenda’

Seduced! Part-One.

Believers deluded by Sin?

It first started with Even in the garden of Eden, that is why the world has been in a mess ever since? But we are warned that in the latter times of the Ekklesia history, even the elect will be deceived by wrong teachings!

Some would say one is going to hammer on about sexuality, but it first started with dishonesty when Peter had to face a married couple lying to him about their wealth! This has gone on for centuries money issues with Christians in leadership, decency and much more in relation to not paying taxes, declaring works to cover for personal lifestyle?

Our enemy the Devil is crafty and He is attacking believers world-wide through thoughts and actions, through temptation and the twisting of God’s doctrines to suite His agenda of leading us astray!

Deuteronomy 5:33,   Proverbs 16:18,   1 Corinthians 13:4,   1 Timothy 4:1-3,   Hebrews 13:12.

Suffering Servant! Part-One.

Believed the Message?

Have we believed the message of Jesus preached or are living in the tradition of traditionalism, not matter what religion that we would call our own?

Jesus was given by God, so that all who heard the ‘Good News of His works, death on the tree/stake/cross would understand that their sin had been atoned for and that by His rising from the grave they are promised Eternity with Him!

But many have chosen to reject this good news or they have twisted the words of the Bible to suit their own agenda of what they want to believe God is like and will do for them?

Isaiah 53:1-12,   Amos 5:4,   John 3:3,   14-21,   Acts 4:12,    Revelation 3:19-20.

Rumours of Wars. ONE.

‘Don’t Worry.

Yesterday a deluded young man chose to drive his truck into a crowd and kill over 85 people in the Bastille Night celebrations in Nice, Southern-France. Many things are being reported in the media, but he was leadon by educated people to fulfil their political agendas.

Many today are being deluded across the world to murder and mame in the name of this and that religion. But we who hold on to and profess our Christian faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, must not worry about all these rumours.

Our calling is to live in the world, with the knowledge of promised Eternal Life and fulfill the Commands of God to share our faith with others near and far.

Deuteronomy 31:7-8, Proverbs 28:1, Matthew 24:8, Romans 10:15-17, Phillipains 1:27-28.

Ireland in Africa. Part-Three.

Africa in Ireland.

The black Church in the island of Ireland has been stunted, because of its desire to see a movement of Gods power. Catholocism is traditional, Protestantnism predominantly is racist in its evangelicalism.

If Patrick was with us today? He would be disgusted by the religious seperation and decline in morality and respect for Jesus claimed by many who have twisted everything to suite their own agendas.

Infact Ireland is no longer a Christian country, yet there are many believers who are struggling with the unbelivable responses from the state, the E.U. and Unionism who refuse to forgive and begrudge from historical prespective.

John 3:31-36,  1 Corinthians 15:8-10,  1 Timothy 1:15-16.

Crises. Part-Two.

Seeking Peace.

There remains to this day many people around the world, near and far who are not content with peace. They want to stir up old wounds for their own prestige, they dress it up as being righteous, seeking justice or we want.

Some times they will get a bit of what they want or want to achieve, so that people will praise them up. Strife is always a costly affair, because violence breeds more with hatred and factionism.

This is not Gods way, He wants peace and people to give up things for it to be achieved. Some ‘Christians are great players on theology and politics to suit their own selfish agendas. But it is only God who knows what truth is in our hearts.

1 Corinthians 14:33,  Hebrews 4:12,  James 3:16.

Terrorism. Part-One.

‘War without Rules?

Ireland has had a history of armed conflict, since it was first invaded and occupied by the English and their Welsh mercenaries. Over those 800 years, it has seen many wars with Britain, ending in the 40 years of the troubles in N-Ireland.

But we must not think that there is a new terror now in Europe, that plays by its own rules. Evil people want to push their agenda, not for the liberation of one but many at the same time. In 1605 Guy Fawkes had the same idea, instead of using democratic means within his reach. He instead chose violence, that would of lead to the mass murder of many innocent people going about their daily business.

Fear and intimidation are the causes of many conflicts around the world in human history, when a certain group of people feel they have to right to tell others what to do. You have to do it our way and we will always be over you. ”Familiar Echos.”

Nehemiah 2:10, 18,  4:7-8, 9-15, Psalm 23:3,  27:1, 56:5-6,  Matthew 10:26, 28, 31.