Posts Tagged ‘Peter’

Seduced! Part-One.

Believers deluded by Sin?

It first started with Even in the garden of Eden, that is why the world has been in a mess ever since? But we are warned that in the latter times of the Ekklesia history, even the elect will be deceived by wrong teachings!

Some would say one is going to hammer on about sexuality, but it first started with dishonesty when Peter had to face a married couple lying to him about their wealth! This has gone on for centuries money issues with Christians in leadership, decency and much more in relation to not paying taxes, declaring works to cover for personal lifestyle?

Our enemy the Devil is crafty and He is attacking believers world-wide through thoughts and actions, through temptation and the twisting of God’s doctrines to suite His agenda of leading us astray!

Deuteronomy 5:33,   Proverbs 16:18,   1 Corinthians 13:4,   1 Timothy 4:1-3,   Hebrews 13:12.

Forty Days. Part-Two.

Peter Restored.

Peter allow us to see how mercyful Jesus is to believers who keep failing and Peter was to fall again over dietry hypocrasy pointed out to him by the Apostle Paul. Peter fell into this sin, even though he had the vision of the sheet coming down and going up to Heaven.

This really shows us how fickle we all are to having the blessings and still loosing it at some point to some weakness that just keeps coming up again and again.

John 21:15-25,  Acts 10:13,  11:7.

EASTER. Part-Three.

Jesus Family.

The family of Jesus were around Him at the cross and the resurrection, along with followers, new believers and the witnesses of the resurrection.

Mary His earthly mother and many female followers were near and far at the stake/tree, while on that Easter Sunday moring they were all rushing to find the empy tomb.

Matthew 27:55-56, 61, 28:3-6,  Mark 15:40, 47, 16:1-9,   Luke 24:1-10,  John 19:25, 20:1-11, 16, 18.

Easter. Part-Two.

Betrayal and Failure.

Jesus was betrayed by one of His own and at the end of the day, they all ran way and denied they were connected to Him. Judas did it for money and the ideal that he believed would cause the events to bring on the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel. Peter boasted he would follow to the end, but denied Him three times. Luke 22:47-48,  John 18:12-18,  25-27.

Jesus had warned them all before hand that they would fail Him.  Matthew 26:20-25,  Mark 14:27-31.

What are we doing today as believers? Bragging about who and what we are or are we just pushing on in silence?  Isaiah 53:7,  John 19:9.

We all fail it is part of our natural Sinful nature, but if we are born anew of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We will endure, persevere on for His Glory and not our own.  Philippians 1:28.

Resurrection. Part-One.

Peter said ‘The Lord has really risen! Luke 24:34.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah and the one and only Son of God is the most prolific event in human history. Matthew 28:2-15, Mark 16:1-11, Luke 24:1-12 and John 20:1-18. When Jesus arose from the dead, he did not have another body, it was the same one. The scars and the marks of torture and being nailed to the cross will remain on Him for ever. John 20:26-29, Revelation 1:7. Despite the lies being told ‘that he had not risen,’ there were so many people who claimed that they had seen him.