Posts Tagged ‘Whims’


Selling out Peace in Ireland?

The English do not care about what happens in far away Ireland the land of the ‘Little people, who they can walk over when they take the whim?

The Peace process will now be lost to new groups who want to return to violence as with the killing of the journalist McKee! PM Boris Johnson has no time for none-whites or the Irish, the deaths of another 3000 people are worth his pipe dream?

Christian values, where have they gone in all this while the British media tell their own people lies a large bomb in the city of London will be too late to the fate of these islands once more?

Leviticus 26:6,   Deuteronomy 28:65,   Psalm 120:6-7,   Matthew 5:9,   Luke 1:79,   Romans 12:18,   1 Peter 3:11.

‘Christmas is coming. Part-Two.

Keeping Centred.

The centre of the Christmas story is Jesus, the perfect man born into human flesh. Born to a young virgin woman, who was in her year of betrothal to her husband. This is the way Jewish people still get married to their religious tradition. No sex before marriage.

Many people find it hard to accept the bible and the power of God manifest, but God allowed the Holy Spirit to overshadow Mary and in that miricale, the egg in her womb was fertilized and she concieved a perfect baby.  Luke 1:30-38, 35.

Mary was not the first woman in the bible to have a child, that came by the power of God. Sarah the wife of Abraham had Isaach in her old age. She was well beyond the age of human possible conception, then there was Hannah who beared Samuel from a desperate prayer to God.  Genesis 17:19, 21:1-3, 6-9,  1 Samuel 1:11,  17.

Today the world relies on science to prove God is wrong or we can do better than Him, we have Abortion and artificial insemination. A sort of give and take to suite our wants, but ultimately God is very much in control.