Posts Tagged ‘Influences’

8th September Queen Elizabeth II Passes!

For the island of Ireland?

The British Queen was a women of inspiration to the world for the last eighty three 7ears, well before she ever became Queen! That devotion to her people, included many in the Republic of Ireland and other places was down to her profession of a faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus, something that was not well reported in her annual Christmas message?

Her visit to Ireland was a profound one of apology for a different age of thinking, but she did it with grace and many hearts and minds were changed because of ability to adapt to meeting Sin Fein and the former head or representative of the Irish Republican war council Mr. Martyn McGuinness and Sin Fein party leader Gerry Adams!

After all is said and done, the republican movements today have a different attitude to her son and heir Charles-III, who is hated by many despite his recent visits to Ireland, thus we have a new situation?

Acts 24:24, Romans 1:8, 3:22-23, 2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 2:16, 5:6, Colossians 1:4, 1 Thessalonians 1:3, 1 Timothy 4:6.

Crimes out of Control?

The ages of Anarchy!

It would seem now that no matter where we live the world is going mad in crime and the forces that we pay for to protect are either being cut back or corrupt in not helping the poor?

We have opened this New Year with more madness, kinappings, egoistical leadership, war mongering, famine, vengance, knife and gun crimes on the increase!

One has to look at our televisions to see that we are seriously being influenced in soaps to live in bad ways and this is just acceptable? But if we are people of faith we must be apart from the ways of the world and this by the love of Jesus!

John 5:23-24,   Galatians 5:8,    Hebrews 4:12,   1 Peter 1:14,   2 Peter 1:4.