Posts Tagged ‘Acting’

Real Equality. Three.

Knowing God’s Mercy.

Jesus was trying to show the people in His days on Earth, what real love, forgiveness and Mercy from God was really like.

Are you born-again?

Then why are you actin like the world, that you claim God through Jesus has set you free from?

Why then can you not forgive others, as you have been forgiven?

Matthew 18:18-30,  1 Kings 21:29,  Philemon 1:18.

Religion. Part-One.

Guidance and a Compass.

Most people today live in a state of going from A to B/Z hoping for the best, but they quickly end up being dissapointed in wht they are trying to do!

We so do need to have God in our lives, religion offers the security of keeping rules and regulations and it is fixed.

But faith in Jesus sets us free from these regulations and rules and gives us access to trust and hope for the better.

Ruth 1:12,  Job 4:6,  Psalm 38:15,  Romans 5:2,  Ephesians 2:12,  Hebrews 10:23.